Ever wonder how celebrities obtain the sexiest legs? If you look at pictures of celebrities on the red carpet their legs look vein-less, even toned & perfect. How do they get those legs while we suffer with veiny, bruised vampire pale legs? With the help of tinted body shimmer or body makeup we can have those shimmery perfect legs this summer too. Below are some body makeup tips & products we can use when it’s time to bare those legs.
Step 1: Moisturizer/sunblock
Before you apply the makeup you want to moisturize and protect your skin!! I usually try to buy lotions with SPF 15. If you can’t find a lotion with sunblock, apply your lotion first after it dries apply sunblock this way the lotion hydrates your skin and the sunblock on top protects it.
Lotions with SPF:
Lubriderm Daily Moisture with SPF 15 $14.00
Aveeno Active Naturals With Sunscreen SPF 15 $10.00
Eucerin Everyday Protection Body Lotion SPF 15 $8.00
Step 2: Body Makeup
Apply your body makeup. Remember to go easy at first so you can apply the right amount do not apply so much that your skin starts looking orange instead natural. The most important thing to remember is to wait until it dries!!! You don’t want to stain your outfit!
I hope this helps you have the sexiest legs in town!!
Body Makeup:
NARS Body Illuminator $45
Lorac SelfTantalizor $ 34
Your Beauty Boutique Friend,